Terms & Conditions

  • FEES AND REFUNDS: All classes must be booked and pre-paid through ClassForKids, cash/card at reception or into the gyms account. Classes booked and not attended (for any reasons - such as illness or holidays) are forfeited and regrettably no refunds can be given. Should any situation arise where access to the Club, classes or services are limited for any reason beyond our control (ie: the Club must close due to a Pandemic), all class fees and any other service fee which has been paid for will be frozen at the discretion of the Club for the duration of such limitation. Rescheduling of paid classes and services will be done in a fair and equitable manner once the limitation has been lifted at the discretion of the Club. Only classes that are cancelled by the Club (ie: coach unavailability/illness) will be credited or refunded. Late payments will incur a penalty charge of £10.00.

  • MEMBERSHIPS: There is a annual Club Membership fee, per member booking a term class, that is payable to the Club when you first register and thereafter every September. Regrettably the Membership fee is non-refundable. We are a British Gymnastics affiliated club and any person attending gymnastics classes (exclusions apply) must have current British Gymnastics membership. If your BG membership is not valid, we cannot allow you to participate in a class. British Gymnastics membership is separate to any Club fees and parents/adults must register and pay through the BG website.

  • CANCELLATIONS: We require 1 month (4 weeks) notice to cancel your booking. When you make a booking and payment through class4kids, there is a booking and payment fee added that the Club absorbs on your behalf. For this reason, booking cancellations will be subject to a 15% cancellation charge. This amount is to cover the booking and card fee we pay to class4kids. Regrettably all Pay-As-You-Go, Camp and Trial classes are non-refundable.

  • DISCOUNTS: There is a 10% sibling discount that is offered to parents who pay upfront per term for 2 or more children in a recreational/squad class. The discount is only offered to members that have paid their annual club membership fee and for payments received by due dates.

  • MONTHLY PAYMENTS (squad only): Squad gymnasts will be added to a monthly subscription plan. Payments will be deducted on the 1st of Sep up to and including the 1st June. Summer subscriptions will be frozen (cancelled) at the end of June and gymnasts will be charged separately for summer training.

  • CONDUCT: I confirm that I have read the Code of Conduct, (parent & gymnast code of conduct) available on our website: https://www.rathgaelgym.org and understand and agree to the terms and conditions.